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online classes

Toma clases
de idiomas en

con horarios flexibles

Spanish lessons

Always tought about learning Spanish but you think it is too difficult? 

These classes will adapt to your requirements:


Do you need them for your studies?


Are you going through a DELE or a Cambridge test?


Are you traveling to one of the 20 hispanic countries soon and you want to get the full experience?


Are you going to live in one of the 20 hispanic countries and  you need to get some basic knowledge to feel more confortable in your need home country?

Spanish for expats

This is a course intended for foreigners living or which will shortly live in a Spanish speaking country.

Histoire Homework & dele examination support

We can also help you during your studies and get you ready for examinations such as the DELE.

Continuos Support

This course follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Language.


We can work on a tailor based course that will meet your goals and objectifs. 


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Lisa, maman de Rose

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